Changes in the Organization of Work and Structure of the Secretariat Function
1. The Development Committee would be continued as a Joint Bank/Fund Committee with its present broad mandate to consider all matters relating to the transfer of real resources.
2. The Development Committee's main function would be that of a discussion forum, including its use as a "reserve forum" for the discussions of issues relating to the operations of the institutions when circumstances warrant it.
3. The Chairman of the Development Committee, the Managing Director of the Fund, and the President of the Bank would be jointly responsible for organizing the work of the Development Committee with a view to more effective performance.
4. The independence of the Development Committee would be reflected in the ability to present ideas freely to members of the Committee-the work of the Committee would not be bound by a narrow definition of the responsibilities of the Bank and the Fund.
5. The Boards of the Bank and the Fund would be used as preparatory bodies for the work of the Development Committee including its agenda and work program, as well as reviewing and sharpening issues in papers prepared for Committee consideration.
6. To assure that proposals and views expressed by the Executive Directors are fully reflected in the papers, agenda and work program, when they meet on Development Committee matters, they will do so as Committees of the Whole of the Executive Boards.
7. Senior officials would not be part of the institutional framework. However, Ministerial Deputies could meet on an ad hoc basis, when appropriate, to consider special issues. Since they would be Deputies to Ministers, the decision to convene them would be one for the Ministers.
8. The Secretariat would be reduced to a senior official who would serve as Executive Secretary. He would assist the Chairman, Managing Director and President in ensuring the effectiveness of the Development Committee's work. The Secretariat service required by the Development Committee would be provided by Bank/Fund staff.
9. The Working Group would be abolished. Task Forces-with a specific limited task and duration-might be used for certain issues with approval of the Development Committee.
10. Studies and papers for the Committee would normally be prepared by regular Fund/Bank staff, but consultants or other agencies may be asked by the Committee to contribute work under certain circumstances.
Adopted by the Development Committee
April 1, 1979